About ClimateAdapt4EOSC
Advancing climate adaptation through open science and data integration in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

The ambition of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to provide European researchers, innovators, companies and citizens with a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes.
The CLIMATE-ADAPT4EOSC project specifically empowers researchers across multiple disciplines to tackle climate change more effectively by providing an advanced, EOSC-centred collaborative research environment. This environment integrates existing EOSC data and services while introducing new datasets and innovative features, such as FAIRification and Mapping and Entity Matching capabilities. The project will create a climate change adaptation ontology and an EOSC Climate-Adapt Knowledge Graph, enabling enhanced findability, accessibility, tracking, and life cycle management of diverse research outputs. By fostering interoperability and innovation, CLIMATE-ADAPT4EOSC will significantly strengthen the capacity of European scientific communities to address climate change.
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